Risk control is a continual process difficult awarenessand proactive action from all sas records help enterprise’s employees and outsourcedservice suppliers sas task help decrease sas records help opportunity and impact of injuries and losses,even if caused by sas information help company or externally. Risk control is a coreresponsibility for all managers. Suitable risk management activities need to beincorporated into sas records help company planning, operations and sas records help control. Risk management is one way of business making plans andimplementation method, but, sas statistics help fact of getting a Risk Management Plan RMP isnot adequate, it must be operational and all agency’s employees must be aware ofit and get trainings on how it is applied. These trainings are mandatorybecause these ones must understand how sas project help prevent some risks and the way they behave infront of a materialized risk issue as a result of they can be themselves both,source of risk or be in danger if not well included .